Keep Secret
What will happen when my subscription expires?
I have already unsubscribed from Premium and my Premium account is about to expire, what should I expect?
You will see a screen that offers you to subscribe to the paid version. Scroll to the bottom of the message and choose «Switch to Basic»;
Only the first 10 backup files will remain in your Cloud Storage;
The Keep Secret app will again display ads;
Any previously saved files will remain in the app storage and on the device, but only 10 files will be backed up;
You will lose all selected album covers. They will become the last photo in the album;
Any previously locked albums will be unlocked;
All files from the Keep Secret fake vault will remain in the fake vault. Save them before downgrading the plan or deleting the application.
You will not lose any of your pictures from cloud backup, as all files are copies of those files stored in the memory of your phone(app).
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